Smart Openers Accessories
Overcome any installation challenge with our selected accessories,to enjoy your new smart opener.
Smart Openers Accessories
Overcome any installation challenge with our selected accessories,to enjoy your new smart opener.
Make your Chamberlain/Liftmaster garage
door opener compatible with your ismartgate!
Did you know?
Some Chamberlain, Liftmaster, Craftsman
and Raynor garage door openers may not be
directly compatible with your smart opener.
*Compatibility issues are mostly related to Chamberlain, Liftmaster, Craftsman and Raynor garage door openers with Security+ 2.0 technology. These openers are most commonly found in North American.

Enjoy our Ethernet accessories when
Wi-Fi connection is unstable or unreliable.
Did you know?
ismartgate is the only smart opener compatible
with both Wi-Fi and Ethernet connection.

Draw power from your opener when
no power source is available nearby.
Did you know?
Some gate operators have a 12-24V output
to power up your ismartgate opener.

Use our waterproof enclosures when there is
not enough space in your gate’s control box.
Did you know?
Most of the times ismartgate will fit
into your gate’s control box.