Please find below the user creation form. Fill in all fields with the * sign:
- LOGIN *: Introduce the selected user ID.
- CONTACT NAME: Name or Nickname assigned to a user.
- PASSWORD *: Introduce the chosen password for a user.
- RETYPE PASSWORD *: Re-type the chosen password.
- EMAIL *: email address where to send information about user account.
- ACCESS TO CAMERA: Allow access to video to a selected user (compatible IP camera required)
- COMMENT TO USER: You can leave a comment to a new user.
- ACCESS TO DOORS *: Chose which doors will the user be able to operate.
- ALLOW CONNECTION FROM: chose from which distance a user can control to the Gogogate2 device:
- ALL NETWORKS: User can control the Gogogate2 device remotely.
- LOCAL NETWORK: User can control the Gogogate2 locally, within the same Wi-Fi network where Gogogate2 is connected to.
- SELECT USER ACCESS: Assign the type of access to a user:
- TOTAL ACCESS: User will have access 24/7 to Gogogate2 .
- RESTRICTED ACCESS: User will only access the Gogogate2 during a limited period of time. Restrictions can be set by days and hours (use the table to assign time limits).
- 1-DAY ACCESS: User will only access the Gogogate2 in a specific date during a limited period of time (use the calendar to select the date and use the table to assign time limits).
Finally, press the CREATE button to complete the new user account.