Google Assistant and Google Home require a security code to make sure you are the one asking for the opening or closing of the door.

This code, for the Administrator user, is setup when the device is configured for the first time. Every time the Administrator creates a user it needs to create this code for each.

Google Home asking for pin code. How to get it or change it?

For the Admin to change this code it would be necessary to follow the instructions below:

Google home garage door pin - set up and change process - step 1
  1. Abra a sua aplicação ismartgate
  2. Go to your device's User settings
Google home garage door pin - set up and change process - step 2
  1. Select the User you want
Google home garage door pin - set up and change process - step 3
  1. Select Edit
Google home garage door pin - set up and change process, home security code - step 4
  1. Change the Code