Voice Commands
Abertura e fecho automáticos

ismartgate connects to your Smart Home. Free >

Total control
Control your garage or gate remotely with live video*. Control up to three doors from one screen!
*IP Camera/s required.
Smart & Elegant.
Abertura e fecho automáticos
Your garage or gate automatically open or close at a certain distance or at a given time.

User management
Share and manage the access to your property remotely. Keep track of all users and events.
ismartgate comes with 10 free users. If you want more, you can buy the “100 users plugin” or the “Unlimited users plugins”.
4 types of users:
Acesso total
Limited time
Acesso de 1 dia

Control it from your Phone, Tablet, PC, Apple Watch (TBA) and even Home Speakers.
Your music in your garage!
Define which song you want to play when coming home and which one when leaving home.

Acesso remoto
Operate all your doors from miles away with a single app.
Installation and compatibility
Install your ismartgate in 3 easy Steps.

1. Connect iSmartgate to your Wi-Fi at home

2. Install the device, door sensors, and IP Camera in your garage.
3. Check the set-up and you’re ready to go.
Compatible with all types of garage door and gate openers
Except Chamberlain, Liftmaster and Craftsman systems with Security+ 2.0 technology.

Works in places without internet access.
Creates its own Wi-Fi network (local usage only)
All your remotes in a single app

Control up to three (3) garage doors and/or gates with one (1) ismartgate device.

Control multiple ismartgate devices with a single app.

Monitor additional pedestrian doors with our waterproof sensors.
Concurso principal | ||
Compatibilidade com o HomeKit (nativo) | ||
Compatibilidade com o Google Assistant (nativo) | ||
Compatibilidade com o Samsung SmartThings | ||
Amazon Alexa (APENAS USA / outros com IFTTT) | ||
Compatibilidade iFTTT gratuita | ||
Transmissão e gravação de vídeo | ||
Compatibilidade com garagem e portões* (de diferentes marcas) | ||
Gestão de utilizadores | ||
Um (1) dispositivo para controlar até três (3) portas | ||
Sensores à prova de água (sem fios e com fios) | ||
Personalização da aplicação (com imagem/música da porta) | ||
Dados NÃO armazenados na nuvem |
*All brands except Chamberlain/Liftmaster/Craftsman openers with Security+ 2.0

ismartgate openers