Please find below instructions on how to register Gogogate2 with your iFTTT account:
- Open the IFTTT App
- Go to the option Get More.
- This is the page you will see in Get More. In case you want to create a new applet select the option IfThisThenThat.
- Search for Gogogate2 and select the first option that appears.
- Slide to connect your Gogogate2 to IFTTT
- Introduce the device's UDI, found aqui.
- Introduce your user name.
- Introduce your password.
- Now you have your Gogogate2 connected to IFTTT.
- If you do not want or need this applet to be active you can disable it, the connection will still remain.
Please note that IFTTT only allows the connection of one Gogogate2 to each IFTTT account. In case you have more than one Gogogate2 you would need to create other IFTTT accounts to control each device.
Please find below different examples of applets that can be created with Gogogate2 using IFTTT: