NOTA: When creating users, please bear in mind they will not have access to Alerts, Events Calendar, User Management or Device settings. These features are reserved to the admin of the system.

Please find below the user creation form. Fill in all fields with the * sign:

- LOGIN *: Introduce the selected user ID.

- CONTACT NAME: Name or Nickname assigned to a user.

- PASSWORD *: Introduce the chosen password for a user.

- RETYPE PASSWORD *: Re-type the chosen password.

- EMAIL *: email address where to send information about user account.

- ACCESS TO CAMERA: Allow access to video to a selected user (compatible IP camera required)

- COMMENT TO USER: You can leave a comment to a new user.

- ACCESS TO DOORS *: Chose which doors will the user be able to operate.

- ALLOW CONNECTION FROM: chose from which distance a user can control to the Gogogate2 device:

  • ALL NETWORKS: User can control the Gogogate2 device remotely.
  • LOCAL NETWORK: User can control the Gogogate2 locally, within the same Wi-Fi network where Gogogate2 is connected to.

- SELECT USER ACCESS: Assign the type of access to a user:

  • TOTAL ACCESS: User will have access 24/7 to Gogogate2 .
  • RESTRICTED ACCESS: User will only access the Gogogate2 during a limited period of time. Restrictions can be set by days and hours (use the table to assign time limits).
  • 1-DAY ACCESS: User will only access the Gogogate2 in a specific date during a limited period of time (use the calendar to select the date and use the table to assign time limits).

Finally, press the CREATE button to complete the new user account.